Thursday, September 25, 2014

Diseases Rats and Mice Spread

Diseases Rats and Mice Spread 

                                      Rats are known to spread 35 diseases to humans and animals. Some human diseases rats spread are

Salmonellosis    Rabies, 
Tularemia,  Leptospirosis
Amoebic   dysentery

Trichinosis,  Rickettsial pox  Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Ray fungus
 Ringworm etc……….
                  Also, they transport and host ectoparasites, especially mites. Mites living temporarily on rats and mice in their nests and burrows can, following treatment of the house and birds for mites, quickly rein fest the premises with mites. When you sell birds on mite-infested farms, migrating rodents can transport mites to adjacent farms. Rats can transport 18 different kinds of mites, lice, fleas, and ticks.
When you market poultry at the end of a production cycle and clean the poultry house, rats tend to migrate to other places where they can get feed and water. There are cases, of course, where feed is left in the feeders or spilled around feed bins and water remains available in the house or in a stream or pond nearby during cleanout time. Then, most of the rats will not move elsewhere. But it is believed a lot of rats do migrate between poultry farms during cleanout or down time, and the rats may spread some poultry diseases and ecto parasites as they travel.
Using disinfecting foot pans for poultry caretakers and service persons is good and should be encouraged, as should other sanitation measures, but you should remember migrating rats do not use disinfecting foot pans when they enter and exit the house. Also remember that rats, in most cases, get directly in a feed trough to feed, and they drink directly from the waterer the chickens use. Therefore, rats can be an ideal means of transporting diseases from farm to farm.
Estimating Your Rat and Mouse Population Use this thumb rule to determine your rat population. If you never see rats but see signs of them, there are from 1 to 100 on the premises. If you see them occasionally at night, there are 100 to 500. Occasional daytime and numerous night sightings indicate 400 to 1,000. Seeing several in the daytime may indicate a presence of as many as 5,000. When one farmer sold his laying flock he decided to get rid of the few rats in his hen house. The score at the end of his extermination program was 1,800 dead rats.

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